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You can help the issues to, all you need to do is just get involved plant plants to make the world more green! Spread awareness and tell people to also get involved! We need to take a stand and help the world better so our children, grandchildren and the generations before that a better place! We will change the future!!! 

How to get involved
Help Air POllution by planting MOre Trees

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Climate Change

How do we really know that climate change is really real? We know because in the mid 19th century the heat trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases.Ice cores drawn from Greenland and Antarctica shows that the earths climate responds to change in greenhouse gas levels. We also know that climate change is real because the sea levels have risen about 8 inches throughout the two decades, however is nearly double of the last century. Shrinking ice sheets have decreased and the data from NASA's gravity recovery and climate experiment lost to 150 to 250 cubic kilometers! Not just shrinking of ice sheets tell you that climate change is real, but also decreased snow cover. Satellite observations show that the amount of spring cover in the northern hemisphere has decreased over the past 5 years. 


     There are many cases because of climate change, but the one leading factor is probably the use of to much fossil fuels or you may know it as the greenhouse effect. On earth, human activities are also causing climate change because over the last few decades of burning fossil fuels. Its reasonable to say that the sun would also create climate change to because, since the sun is the fundamental source of energy that drives climate change. There are also gases that drive climate change too. They are water vapor,carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide a powerful greenhouse effect produced by soil cultivations. Carbon dioxide is a minor but important component of the atmosphere. Water vapor is when water in earths atmosphere warms, but also the clouds and precipitaion also warms.


     Effects of climate change: The effects of climate change is that we will always be in droughts, frequent wildfires, and intensity of tropical storms. Because of human activity like using to much cars, temperature will continue to rise.More droughts and heat waves will occur, summer temperatures continue to rise reduction of soil moisture and by the end of this century we will have a one day event that are extreme more then ever will occur. Not just only that but also the sea level will rise and we could have more tsunamis, floods, high tides... Ocean waters will therefore continue to warm and sea level rise will continue to rise for many centuries at rates equal to or higher than that of the current century. In the northeast, heat waves will occur, heavy downpours, many states and cities are beginning to incorporate climate change into their planning. Northwest will have changes in the timing of stream flow reduce water supplies for competing demands. Sea level rise, erosion, inundation, risks of infrastructure, and increasing ocean acidity. Risks also effect the wildlife in the north west by insect outbreaks could cause trees to have disease, there fore leading the trees to be chopped down, with no trees we have no clean air, no clean air means sickness etc, with sickness, it spreads, with to much sickness, we have no supplies to stock because by then all the medicine will be gone. With no medicine, WE ALL DIE.In the southeast, we will have sea level rise, widespread and continuing threats to the regions economy. Extreme heat will affect health, energy, agriculture, and more. Decreased water availability will not only harm us but everything, and everyone around us will die. The midwest will have extreme heat, flooding will also occur, and risks of losing the great lakes. South west has increased heat, drought, and outbreaks involving insects. 


     Not all hope is lost due to environment issues, there are still solutions to climate change. For example less using fossil fuels. Use public transportations like bus so it does not use as much carbon dioxide as 10 cars. Use solar panels instead of using energy that wastes to much.

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