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          Air pollution is when chemicals gasses and particles enter the air and the atmosphere causing harm to animals and damaging the naturals cycles of the Earth. Air pollution can be caused by naturals things. For example, air pollution can be caused by the eruptions of volcanoes, dust storms, and forest fire. Human activity is a major cause of air pollution, usually in large cities. Factories, power plants, cars, airplanes, chemicals, fumes from spray cans, and methane gas from landfills can cause human air pollution.


           One of the ways that human caused air pollution was burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels contain coal, oil, and natural gas. When people burn fossil fuels, it will releases different kind of gasses into the atmosphere and causing air pollution such as smog. The smog make it hard for people to breath and see. Gasses that were released into the atmosphere can have many negative effects on the environment. For example, ozone layer helps protect us from harmful rays from the sun. However, it is getting damaged from air pollution like methane gas from livestock and spray paint. Acid rain is created when gasses like sulfur dioxide get high into the atmosphere. Then the wind would blow these gasses away and they get washed out of the atmosphere when it rains. This rain is called acid rain, it can damage the forest and kill fishes.


           Air pollution can make people sick. The smog that come from air pollution can make it difficult for people to breath and cause diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease. According to the World Healthy Organization, 2.4 million people die each years from air pollution. the government soon found out a way of helping people with these situations. They set up a system that can help people to determine if you should go outside. For example, green is when the good. Yellow is when the air is moderate. Orange means the air is unhealthy for sensitive people like elderly, children, and those with lung diseases. Red means unhealthy. Purple means very unhealthy and maroon means hazardous or dangerous.


           Pollutants is the actual gas that cause air pollution. One of the major pollutants is sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is one of the dangerous pollutants that can be  generated by burning coal or oil. The sulfur dioxide can cause acid rain and illnesses. Carbon dioxide is another major part of pollutants. Carbon dioxide is released when a person exhale. Sometimes, carbon dioxide was released by fossil fuels that are burned. Carbon monoxide is much more danger than carbon dioxide. You can die if you breath too much of  it. Carbon monoxide is produced by cars and other vehicles. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are chemicals that were used in many devices. They can damage the ozone layer when we use it. Particulate matter is little particles that get into the atmosphere and make the air dirty and sometimes cause lung cancer to people.


           Air pollution can bring death to many people. However, there are many ways for you to help to reduce air pollution. You can try using less energy like electricity. You can turn off lights when  leaving a room and not leaving the TV or computer on when you're not using it. Lastly, try driving less and walk instead.


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